Arthur Richard 1911

Arthur Richard Dufty 1911

Arthur Richard Dufty CBE FSA (Dick) was born in 1911 and married Kate Brazley Ainsworth in 1937.  They had three children

Name Sarah Clare Thomas Anthony Sykes Dufty Dianna Holmes Dimsdale
born 1939 b. 1942 at Bowness in the Co. of Westmoreland 1943
married m.1971
to David Sandys/Renton Pauline Ann KEW 1 John Raffael
2 Charles

Dick was born in Hull, East Yorkshire and his father was killed in the ‘Great War’ 1914/18. Dick was a keen historian and became the ‘Master of the Armouries at the tower of London.

Dick’s wife Kate Brazley Ainsworth’s family go back, without a gap to King Henry 3rd. Son Thomas in 24th in direct descent from him.

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